by graceumc | Dec 9, 2019 | Sermons and Pastoral Musings
Pastor Carr encourages us to be present during the times when we grapple with spiritual formation. She shares with us that these times are often how we hear God speak. In the scripture reading, we learn about John Baptist God how preached repentance for the kingdom of...
by graceumc | Dec 2, 2019 | Sermons and Pastoral Musings
Pastor Carr talks about Christ journey to the cross. She reminds us that our journey will be filled with stones, hardwork, personal difficulties, and other challenges as long as we “Stay Woke” about where we come from and the work we need to do God is...
by graceumc | Nov 18, 2019 | Sermons and Pastoral Musings
Pastor Carr talks about God’s steadfast support in the midst of our journey in life. Even when all hope seems lost God is still the author of it all. The pastor teaches about Jesus’ teachings about the end times and what it reveals about the nature of God...
by graceumc | Nov 11, 2019 | Sermons and Pastoral Musings
Pastor Carr talks about One Bride for Seven Brothers (Luke 20:27-40) where the Sadducees try to entrap Jesus by asking questions that attempt to undermine his theology. Pastor Carr shares three steps we are to use when an attack comes to us. 1.) Name the Thing. 2.)...
by graceumc | Nov 1, 2019 | Sermons and Pastoral Musings
Leonard Shares his Journey learning about God, seeing his miracles, and the evolution of his relationship with God. By reviewing the cornerstones of his Journey. Knowing and Experiencing God Studying the Word God Constant Faith and dependence on...
by graceumc | Oct 21, 2019 | Sermons and Pastoral Musings
Pastor Carr teaches about the physical, emotional, and spiritual toll our our battle with Satan. She encourages you to pray persistently as a method to combat the attacks of the enemy and as a method to get in to right relationship with our...