Contact Confirmation

Grace United Methodis Church

Contact Confirmation

A family of believers seeking the truth and the life

Thank You For Your Inquiry!

Grace United Methodist Church appreciates your questions, comments and prayer requests. A church representative will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your inquiry. On behalf of the entire congregation and staff, we thank you.

For Prayer Requests

The recipient of your prayer request will be notified by Pastor Larry to inform them of the request and blessings from the Grace UMC parishioners. We commend you for thinking of others during their time of need. On behalf of the entire church, God bless you and thank you.

Grace United Methodist Church – Seattle

Grace UMC Seattle

At Grace United Methodist Church “We are striving to be a progressive church family, growing in worship and discipleship, for release into ministry and evangelism, and becoming more like Jesus Christ as we develop intimacy with God and each other.”