Welcome Reverend Troy Lynn Carr

Micah 6:8 (MSG) 8 But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what GOD is looking for in men andwomen. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyalin your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously— take God seriously.

Bishop Elaine Stanovsky appointed Rev. Troy Lynn Carr, as pastor of Grace UnitedMethodist Church, Seattle, Washington July 1, 2018. Rev. Troy Lynn Carr served BrynMawr United Methodist Church in South Seattle from 2016 -2018. Rev. Carr looksforward to bringing her passion and proven skills as a community rooted leader to Grace. Rev. Carr holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Social Work from Roberts Wesleyan College,Rochester NY, a Masters of Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary (now UnitedTheological Seminary), Gettysburg, PA, and five units of Clinical Pastoral Education, witha completed Residency from Riverside Hospital, Newport News, VA. Rev. Carr is currentlya Doctor of Ministry student at Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry. Rev.
Carr is humbly honored to be elected to serve as a new board member with the ChurchCouncil of Greater Seattle, where she will serve with the committee on communityengagement. Rev. Carr is an ordained Itinerant Elder in the AME tradition.